Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Cleaning Steel Crochet hooks

I was asked how to clean a vintage steel crochet hook on the Crochetville Forum. This was my answer.

To get rid of the rust, I dip only the discolored area of the hook in CLR or Lime Away for a few minutes then take an old toothbrush and a little dish detergent and clean it good.

Next, using "0000" steel wool moistened with a few drops of WD40 or a good machine oil, I rub the area well (this could take a while). Then I coat the hook with a little Blue Magic Metal Polish Cream let it dry and buff with a clean dry cloth.

If the hook is still discolored, I use a finger nail buffer or jeweler's cloth or both and buff it. I repeat the use of the steel wool and the buffer until the area is smooth.

Once all the rust is removed, I use the metal polish again and then wax it well. The best wax to use is Renaissance wax, the second best is bee's wax, next best is rub it well with waxed paper.

Remember that rust indicates that the protective coating on the hook has been destroyed and it will need to be washed regularly, protected with a good metal polish and kept waxed to prevent it from rusting again.

I restored the bottom hook in the picture using this method, when I started it looked worse than the top hook . Here is a link to a bigger picture with more detail.


  1. Thanks for the info. I recently found a few hooks of my mothers and they are looking a little shabby. I wondered how it could be done. Thanks again!

  2. I hear that you may sell vintage hooks in the future. I have what I believe is a Susan Bates small 2.75 mm crochet hook that is pink with no writing or anything on it. It has a hook on one end and a knitting point on the other end. I love this little hook and would like another. It is 4.75" long. If you find one, I would like to purchase it, thank you!

  3. Anonymous2:56 PM

    In about 1913-14, my mother got these unbelievable three crochet hooks,that are attached together and swivel up and down on a "handle." The crocheter would choose the one needle needed and insert it up into an accompaning "shaft", leaveing the remaining 2 hooks unexposed and out of the users way. Closed up, it is 4" long, and when in use it is 5" long.
    For years I have tried to find out where it originated from. At one time, mom said she got it out of a box of Cracker Jacks...But I wouldn't think an item that large or pointed would have come from them. So any ideas?

  4. I found it very useful. I just found the instructions for cleaning steel crochet hooks in my stash & it reminded me to visit here. Thanks for valuable post.
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